It’s always our goal to provide excellent service to our clients! If we’ve done that for you, we’d love it if you would give us a 5 star review!

The First 25 Fans of Robin to submit a 5 Star Review on Google, Zillow & Facebook will receive a $25 American Express Gift Card and be entered into a drawing to win a $250 American Express Gift Card!

Your support will help improve Robin’s exposure and is appreciated!

5 Star Review Giveaway

All you have to do is…

1). Click on these three links & submit a short shout-out to Robin with a favorable 5 Star rating:


2). Send an email to and include your Name, Address and that you have posted a Rock’n Robin Review, and we’ll mail your gift card!

3). Stay tuned for our drawing on Tuesday, September 4 to see if you’re the winner of the $250 Gift Card!

*Giveaway Submission Period Ends Monday September 3 at 11:59pm.

Unable to post a review on all three websites? That’s OK! Just post where you can and let Melissa know where you posted. You’ll still be entered into the drawing for the $250 Gift Card!