Robin Martin & Associates has partnered with a turnkey solution provider so homeowners can attract top dollar when it comes time to sell. How would you like to make needed repairs and updates before listing your home and pay for the work when you sell your home?
How does it work?
#2 ~ We will run a preliminary analysis to see if the numbers pencil
#3 ~ We will set a time to meet with you and a representative from our preferred solution provider
#4 ~ You will receive a plan and quote
#5 ~ If you approve, then the work begins typically get homes listed in less than 4 weeks
#6 ~ You pay for the updates and repairs at the closing from the proceeds of the sale of your home
As a leading REALTOR in the North Atlanta market, we consistently see homes that are not properly prepared and end up failing to sell or fall way short of their potential value. Studies show homes properly updated and staged can attract on average 25% more!
We believe the recent introduction of “iBuyers” or “Alternative Buyers” takes advantage of homeowners and can cost them tens of thousands of dollars. High fees, last-minute price reductions, and low ball offers are just a few of the tactics we are hearing about.
To learn more about this program or if you’re looking to sell your home, call Robin at 678-665-0202.